Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Film Review #3

Title & year: Stage Beauty (‘04)
Director & country: Eyre, Richard : U.K. / Germany / U.S.A.

Genre: Comedic drama

Recommended: Yes

Rate as history: 4/5?

Rate as cimena: 3.5/5

Time: Restoration (1660+)

Location: London

Religion: Catholic? No details in story

Occupation: actors, king, ministers, burlesque goers

Writing: OK

Costume: Excellent

Music: OK

Strengths: Light humour

Other comments: I choose to not review this film in detail. I note that the costume suppliers are: Farani Sartoria Teatrale; G.P. 11; E. Rancati; Tirelli Costumi; Costumi D’Arte; Cornejo; Pompei; Cosprop, Sands; The Royal Shakespeare Theatre; The National Theatre; and Angels.

Interesting extras that include brief interviews about research and design, costumes etc. This is not a historically accurate film, though the setting is. Says the costume designer, “The period is not brilliantly documnented visually, for costumes.So, what is great about that is that gives us artistic license”

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